Work with Us in
Education Abroad
Become a GOALie
Global Opportunities Abroad Leader Program (also known as GOALies)
Did you recently return from learning, teaching, interning or volunteering abroad? Did you love your experience so much that you want to help others to do the same? Become a Global Opportunities Abroad Leader (GOALie). We need your help to encourage more UCR students to learn abroad. By being a GOALie, you will help UCR students experience cultural enrichment, offer guidance and support during the application process, and enhance your leadership skills as a peer advisor.
As a GOALie, you can:
- Conduct information sessions, application workshops, and class visits
- Host information tables during noon-time events, on-campus activities, fairs and other special events
- Help with club and residence hall visits
- Assist with Education Abroad activities and community outreach
- Participate in our social media projects by sharing your photos and stories from abroad
If you are a UCEAP Reciprocity student studying at UCR and you would like to serve as a GOALie, contact LaSharon.

Jumping back into life at UCR
When you return from learning or working abroad, you may be surprised to experience reverse culture shock. This is completely normal. Perhaps you left some favorite places and hobbies behind. Maybe you fell in love with someone from your host country. Or perhaps you had the opportunity to grow in profound ways.
Just as you may have had a hard time adapting to your host country, you may need to get used to things in the U.S. Here are some tips to help you get with “re-entry”—readapting to the realities of home—once you return.
- Be patient. Readapting takes time. Realize you may feel disengaged from your friends at home. Remember that a lot changed for you while you were abroad. A lot may have changed for your friends at home, too. Most importantly, remember that you are not alone! Difficulty with re-entry happens to many students who return from learning or working abroad. In fact, this phase may be more challenging than the culture shock of moving to the host country.
- Manage your expectations. Because you may miss your host country, you will be tempted to talk about your experiences with your friends and family members. Do not take it personally if they are not as excited to hear about your memories or seem like they do not care. Remember that what you experienced abroad is truly your own and will have a tremendous impact on the rest of your life.
- Talk to someone. If re-entry is too difficult to go through alone, talk to a counselor who can help you through whatever you are feeling, whether it is irritability, frustration or sadness. Remember, you are part of our education abroad family! We are here to talk it through or help guide you to other resources.
- Seek like-minded individuals. At home, look for ways you can enjoy the culture of your host country. Look for local groups who also have an affinity for your host country and have lived there themselves. You may even make new friends!
- Give back and get involved. You may also find it satisfying to help others have similar experiences by sharing your stories, volunteering, or working with us.
- Submit photos and blogs to share on our website. We will help you polish them so they are ready to publish. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your skills to potential employers and graduate programs.
- Volunteer or work with Education Abroad. Look into the Global Opportunities Abroad Leader program.

- Check in with the Education Abroad office. Schedule an appointment with your education abroad advisor so they can update your contact information. Use this opportunity to share feedback about your program and overall experience. Remember, we are here to help you readjust to life at home, too.
- Complete the Education Abroad Survey. Register on Abroad101 and complete our Education Abroad Survey.
- For OAP and UCEAP students:
- Look for your transcripts. Confirm that you have received your overseas transcripts or order them if you have not.
- Verify credit transfer. Make sure your overseas course credits are recorded online.
- Check in with your academic advisor or department. Meet with your academic advisor or department about fulfilling your general education or department requirements after you receive overseas credit.

As a UCR Education Abroad alumni, you can order a special sash to wear at graduation to commemorate your international experience. Ordering information will be emailed to education abroad students early in the spring quarter.

Marketing Your Experience
In addition to featuring any stories and photos you share with us on our site, we will help you speak to your international experience on resumes, LinkedIn, and graduate applications.
We have found that many students feel passionate about their experience, and want to share it with others by volunteering or working with Education Abroad. Future employers and graduate programs look for this type of experience.

Lessons From Abroad
The mission of Lessons From Abroad is to:
Meet the needs of students returning from abroad. Facilitate dialogue amongst and provide educational, professional and personal resources for education abroad returnees within a community of learners in a reflective environment.
Lessons From Abroad Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LALessonsfromAbroad